Go from cringing to confident with video, introvert-style

Introverted Course Creators, Coaches, Consultants and Membership Owners

Want a proven process that takes you from cringing at the thought of being on camera to confidently hitting record and teaching online with ease?

(without spotlight paralysis, expensive equipment, or doing anything you don't feel comfortable doing.)


Most course creation gurus have zero understanding of the complicated relationship that many of us introverts have with showing up live or performing on screen.  Their advice ranges from "just do it, already!" to "You're scared, lazy or hiding' if showing up on camera is anything less than your favorite activity. 

The last thing we introverts need is being told to 'get over it' and hit record. Talk about unhelpful, right?

But the truth is, if you want to be able to make a great living selling your expertise online, you need to establish trust and credibility with your audience. They need to see you, hear you, and trust you if they're going to part with their hard-earned cash to learn from you.

That all gets a heck of a lot easier if you feel comfortable being on camera

10 Steps to Easy Natural Video for Introverts is the original step-by-step gentle challenge designed to take you gradually from cringing at the thought of showing up on camera to being able to quickly, confidently hit record and teach on screen with ease.

Say goodbye to...

Procrastinating on your course creation

Avoiding showing up on social media

Full scale camera panic

Endless editing and re-editing perfectionism

Looking like a rabbit in headlights on screen

Not sharing the awesomeness of your expertise

Tripping up over your words

Cringing hearing the sound of your own voice

Playing small

And say hello to using video to...

Build trust and credibility with your audience


 Opening up your social inboxes to see multiple messages from new followers who know you're the right person to help them and who are asking about your coaching packages.

Share your expertise with confidence and ease


Hitting that record button with ease as you quickly and confidently record a short teaching video on a topic one of your customers is really struggling with and get them the help they need TODAY

Get your offers DONE and OUT into the world


The satisfying click of the mouse as you upload your FINAL course video on that evergreen program you've been wanting to launch FOREVER. You're feeling quietly proud of your videos and excited to get this offer out there! 

will give you everything you need to...

Record high value course videos even before you're ready to be 'on camera'

Master 'Faceless' course video formats, so that you can stop procrastinating and get moving on helping the people you serve, by sharing your expertise, even before you feel ready to be seen on screen

Like what you hear and see on screen

Discover the real reason that being on camera can feel so cringeworthy (spoiler alert: it isn't actually anything to do with how you look or sound), and learn how to recalibrate your perceptions, so that filming is way more comfortable. 

Take baby steps towards the level of 'on-camera-ness' you want

Learn how to nudge the edges of your comfort zone gradually outwards at a pace and level you can handle, so that your video capability grows, without 'spotlight panic', overwhelm or pressure to do things you don't feel ready for.

Discover a workflow that has you conveying your expertise quickly, clearly and confidently

Ditch the gurus selling you studio-level perfection and expensive kit. Instead, nail a fast, simple workflow for filming that will help you say exactly what you want to say, without tripping up over words, getting flustered or having to do endless takes to get good quality results. 

And you'll do it ALL in a gentle, practical, action-focused way, so that you start to see improvements in your video capability from Day 1.


Private portal access with 10 bite sized videos walking you through each step of the challenge  (Value: $47)

10-minute journalling worksheet for each step to transform your whole outlook on creating video, and how you feel about the video you produce (Value $27)

A daily email with each challenge step, so that you get the gentle encouragement you need to get into action and keep up momentum (Value $27)

BONUS: Easy Video production workflow walkthrough using PromptSmart Pro, so that you don't ever have to worry about what to say, or tripping up on your words! (Value $27)

BONUS: Perfection-free video, a quick, low-cost set up, sound and lighting walkthrough so that you can finally create great looking and sounding videos without expensive kit, a professional studio, or getting hung up on details that don't really matter (Value $37)

Total value = over $200

Today's price = Just $47 $9 !


I'm Lisa Russell, business coach, strategist and major introvert.

Inside this challenge I lay down the exact process I followed to go from being someone who struggled to show up on camera AT ALL, to recording materials, coaching calls and workshops with ease.

These days, I host a 6 figure community where I show up on camera regularly and have now supported over 2000 introverted coaches and course creators inside my Introverts Ignite memberships. 

But it wasn't always that way!

Although I knew I wanted to teach online, and I had valuable expertise to share, the thought of video used to make my heart pound and my palms sweat. I got flustered the moment I hit record, tripping over my words and forgetting crucial things I'd planned to share. 

What should've been the simple process of recording a short video for a course used to take SO long and take me SO far outside my  comfort zone I wondered if I was cut out to be an online 'expert' at all. 

But then it hit me. When I was little I'd always learned that when something feels insurmountable, break it down into tiny steps. Make the steps small enough, and things that seem impossible, can suddenly become absolutely possible. 

So I stripped things right back to basics, breaking the whole video creation process down into tiny incremental steps that took advantage of my introverted strengths to make them easier. I promised myself compassion, and that I'd just aim to conquer one tiny step at a time.  

Before I knew it I was making real progress. Faster than I'd ever imagined possible I was able to produce audio courses and screenshares with ease, and I built my video capability from there  one small step at a time, just gently nudging the edges of my comfort zone, so that it felt easy, comfortable and totally doable.

10 Steps to Easy, Natural Video for Introverts is the roadmap I used myself and that I now use with my members to help them get to 'comfortable on camera' too. It's a proven process designed for introverts by an introvert, harnessing introverted strengths, and with a huge dollop of kindness and compassion thrown in.

You might just surprise yourself as to what you're capable of, with the right support.

And I'll never ask you to go Live. Ever.

Get unstuck with video, introvert-style

THE 10 STEPs to easy, natural video for INTROVERTS VIP CHALLENGE PACK

What's included

10 bite sized, action and implementation focused videos  (Value $47)

10-minute journalling worksheet for each step (Value $27)

A daily email with each challenge step (Value $27)

BONUS: Easy Video production workflow walkthrough (Value $27)

BONUS: Perfection-free video, quick low-cost set up, sound and lighting walkthrough  (Value $37)

All for just $47 $9

I've helped thousands of introverted online experts grow their businesses online.
Will you be next?


May actually make video fun (GASP)

This Challenge has been created with introverted online coaches and course creators in mind.

But it can ALSO help you if you're an awesomely introverted human needing to create instructional, transformational or promotional video content in ANY line of work.

This is for...

Introverts who struggle with 'performing'


Online teachers and tutors

Membership owners

Course creators (existing and aspiring)

Service providers needing to create video


Consultants working with clients remotely

And more!

⚠️ But caution ⚠️

This is not for social media influencer wannabes, bro marketers with lamborghinis in their eyes, or copycat content creators looking to skip town after they've made a fast buck...

I help awesome introverts bring their quiet brilliance to the world, so that they can help people transform and make it a better place.

I believe that if you find video hard, you're not broken, scared or hiding. It's just not your natural forte and it's not where you get your energy from. That's cool. I can help.
I also believe that you don't need to plaster yourself all over your videos or Instagram reels 24/7 in order to actually help people. But having video NOT hold you back anymore? That's a pretty good starting place for getting your message out into the world.

OK, But wait, what if I sign up and decide it's not for me? 🤔

No problem! 

10 Steps To Easy Natural Video For Introverts comes with a 7-day, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee

If you find, for any reason, that it's not for you, just drop an email to hello@introvertglow.com within 7 days of your initial purchase with a request for a refund, and we'll refund your payment.

Get unstuck with video, introvert-style

WITH THE 10 STEPs to easy, natural video for INTROVERTS VIP CHALLENGE PACK

What's included

10 bite sized, action and implementation focused videos  (Value $47)

10-minute journalling worksheet for each step (Value $27)

A daily email with each challenge step (Value $27)

BONUS: Easy Video production workflow walkthrough (Value $27)

BONUS: Perfection-free video, quick low-cost set up, sound and lighting walkthrough  (Value $37)

All for just $47 $9

Frequently asked questions...

Are you just going to tell me to get over myself and go Live?

Nope. Nada. No way.

We'll leave that kind of messaging to the bro marketers, influencer wannabes and extrovert 'gurus'. 

Here at Introvert Glow, we're all about helping you grow in a way that's aligned, light and easy AND that helps you lean into your introvert strengths. 

In this challenge I'll be supporting you to uplevel your video capability to the level that's right for you. I won't ask you to go Live. (And in fact, your aligned level of video might never include going Live - it certainly hasn't for me, and it's never held me back!)

Challenges. They're normally pretty intense, aren't they?

Sometimes, but not this one.

This is a gentle challenge. One that encourages you to nudge outwards at the edges of what you can do to help you grow. 

But it's NEVER going to demand that you do anything you don't really want to do, or feel comfortable doing. And we also acknowledge that there are certain inequalities online that make it harder for some to show up on video in a way that they feel safe to. 

Ultimately, this challenge is about moving forward from wherever you are. It's about taking baby steps, and taking time to acclimatize to each tiny uplevel so that it all feels easy and totally doable.  Plus it's at your pace and on your terms.


If I don't like 10 Steps To Easy, Natural Video for Introverts, can I get my money back?

Of course! Take 7 days to see if you like it. And if you find that it's not for you, just email hello@introvertglow.com for a full refund. 

What support is included?

If you have questions or need support, we'd love to support you inside the Intropreneurs Unlimited Facebook™ group. We'll send details out with your login info, when you sign up.

I'm not tech savvy. Will I struggle with this challenge??

Everything inside the challenge is designed to be beginner friendly and inexpensive to action. If you can record a video of yourself on your phone, you'll be able to manage the tech-savviness requirements of the challenge. 

I don't have a coaching program or offer yet. Will this still work for me?

Absolutely. Uplevelling your video capability will stand you in good stead for when you have a program you want to record video for, and even outside of courses and programs, video production is a super useful skill to have. You may want to record feedbacks for customers, client updates, social media content, instructional videos for your 9-5, or limitless other possibilities!

I don't have an audience / email list yet. Will this still work for me?

100%. What better time could there be to build your video capability?

When will I get access?

You'll receive an email with all the details and login information within 30 minutes of your purchase.

If for some reason that email doesn't arrive within 30 minutes, there may be an issue with the email address you used to sign up. Don't worry, our supportive team is on hand to straighten things out and get you inside. Just send an email to hello@introvertglow.com and we'll come back to you asap. 




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